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frequently asked questions



Still have a query? Get in touch with us!


Q. What size area will one pouch cover?

A. One pouch will cover between 6 - 8 m².


Q. Can I use the seeds in pots/planters?

A. Yes! We would advise you fill a pot with soil, then mix a small amount of the mixture with a few

handfuls of soil and sprinkle over the pots.


Q. What conditions are best to grow?

A. Plants grow and perform best in moist soil in a bright sunny/partial shady position.

Once sown, keep ground watered and await your seedlings to sprout!


Q. What flower seeds are in the pack?

A. There are 18 varieties in each pack:

Cornflower, Ox-Eye Daisy, Columbine, Honesty, Clarkia, Gypsophila, Yarrow, Knapweed, Foxglove, Borage,

Nigella, Cosmos, Field Poppy, Forget-me-Not, Echinops, Vipers Bugloss, Corn Marigold.


Q. Are all of the seeds native wildflowers?

A. No. Many are, however this mixture has been designed to give you stunning displays and power the pollinators

- please see list of varieties included in the pouch.


Q. When can I sow them?

A. Best sowing time is Sept-Oct to allow plants to develop a strong root system and encourage

a jump start on biennial plants. However, March - May will also produce good growth but

you may have to wait until next year for the biennials to flower. Sowing June - August should be done 

subject to ground conditions, temperature and sun strength.


Q. Can I cut the flowers for displays?

A. Yes! A lot of the varieties we use are 'cut and come again' which mean the more you cut the more they grow!


Q. If I don't use all the seed, what's the best way to store the left-over for later?

A. As with all seeds, store in a cool, dry and dark area. Our pouches are resealable to keep freshness and stop cross-contamination.


Q. How long can I store them for?

A. Stored correctly, seeds can lie dormant for many years. We would recommend using the contents within 3 years.

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